Where to go today???

When possible I will try to include the location I shot the photo from. Photo taken at Minnesota State fair 2010

In fact this blog is more about where we shoot from rather than the technicals that accompany shooting great photographs. Please add your comments and questions and especially any locations you would like to share that you feel are good vantage points for photographing not only city images but all image subjects, like favorite landscapes, nature, birding, boating and others in the city, metro or out state areas.

Take your camera with you every where that you go, so when opportunity knocks you are ready

Amazing Counters
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Friday, January 2, 2009

We were worried of computer glitches turning into the year 2000 we thought clocks would stop and all PC's would be disabled because they were not programed to read time after 1999 or 00 was not programed into the computer clocks or calendar. We never thought of Recession or Depression caused by - well we all have our reasons as to what has caused today's closures. Republicans blame Democrats and Democrats blame Republicans, President Bush says no not me this was here before he took office eight years ago. We look to new leadership to to give us hope to bail us out. Will it work, we can only hope.

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